Hello, Failure

Of all the enemies of literature, success is the most insidious

Saturday, April 19, 2003

Failure of the Day: Bass Guitar

Holy Jesus, people, have you heard the new White Stripes? I don't know enough about old-timey rock from the late 70's to know who exactly they are ripping off in each song, but as near as I can figure, the White Stripes are a sort of sincere Spinal Tap. And Jiminy Christmas, it rules.

Chris, however, is a self-proclaimed White Stripes bigot for reasons even he isn't sure of. He said, "I liked their single, but of course, they hired a bass player for that track." I said, "You know, I think the White Stripes prove that bass is superfluous in rock and roll." I don't actually believe this at all. It's just that Chris plays bass, and he makes such a cute sourpuss face that I am always trying to think up stupid things to say that will cause him to make that face.

Anyway, I need to go put on a LOT of smudged eyeliner now, and some really tight jeans, and go get stoned behind the bleachers.


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