Hello, Failure

Of all the enemies of literature, success is the most insidious

Friday, September 12, 2003

Failure of the Day: Johnny Johnny Head

Did I get an offer from job #3? Yep. Do I have a big 4 clients now? You bet I do. Do I care at all at this moment? Nope. I am way, way too sad about Johnny Cash.

Right now I'm trying to catch Chris before he finds out so I can be the one to tell him. Because as sad as I am, I also feel a little bit goofy for being so sad about the death of a stranger. Chris won't have any goofiness about that at all, though; there's, like, no distance between his thoughts and his emotions. He's just going to go ahead and feel as sad as he really is.

Me, I'm just gonna sit here and listen to At Folsom Prison a couple dozen more times.


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